jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

UP-side down

ok, it will be in english, because I can, because I want to, and because I can share with more friends outside and inside who speak shakespeare's languaje.

I wake up early this wed's just to go to the university. i pay metrobus,$ 1.25 ,and also I woke up 4:30 am, after regular weekly activities, just to take political economics at university of panama. it's my last subject. it's an obligatory seminar, but content is SO a reminisence of economy 101 wich I already passed.

the Idea is simple: finish my studies in Advertising, carreer wich I was in love in the past, but not directly related of my actual job as musician. having a back up plan is a smart policy, in this case. also, I have many stronger reasons to keep pursuing that carreer, advertising, to make a marriage of that with music and help to develop my cultural scene, and etc etc. the plan is big... but need the paper, stil... from the university wich certify I'm qualified to make advertising... c'mon, everybody does.

my economy teacher is Old Fashion. maybe a little red, maybe too realistic every morning, giving 70% of the class about his opinions and overviews of the economic panorama of the country and the world... I recorded the classes, not only for study propouses, but to songwriting material. the teacher went from giving crap about goverment policies, wich could be agreed sometimes, to pre apocaliptic visions explained like we all were 13 year olds. he adviced us to be open and support our examns with our ideas. but on exams he wanted what he told us to read, and then develop ideas, sup. he spent a lot of time, just dictating classes and being negative about the whole situation etc. he treated us like secondary students... and there´s long ago since I left secondary. his explanations were good, about how sistem does work, but also went too negative, even fatalist, about the upcoming times for this nation...

the scheduled exman, last week, was about develop from 10, develop 7

the whole classroom went F!! even the girls who are likely to be the "martin prince" of the group went as bad as me(I mean, i'm not bad either i guess). the professor came with this attitude, of sarcastic fatalism about the quality of the education of the country. he gave us reasons.

some students put "aci" or "haci" instead of ASI. then he went into the level of comprehensive reading of the students of the university... panama's has one of the worst: 27%. and got even worst, brougth copies of the exams, were the students invented names and mispelled miserably concepts explained and copied at class. like "carl mak" or "max" instead of MARX... c'mon!! john maynard kaynes, wroten like "llomairankeins". can't help!! it was depressing enough... 'till he began to explain the next class (and almost forget to say everybody failed, but just to remind us, this is a 3rd world country).

he began to explain the class like we were little kids. I smelled his frustration, and sarcasm. it was his way to insult us and call us "tontitos" subtle and cold. If I failed, its MY fault(but I studied and made a good exam, and dont understand why I went sooo bad!!) if many failed, i could understand maybe those who made a good test, made it different... but the whole classroom, THE WHOLE CLASSROOM!! that's a P:O:S.!

I just won't go again, to waste time, money and energy. to save that F, 2 test and a group work won't help, even at the risk of not save the bad first attempt. I´m not crazy, and i´'m not saying I deserved and A, I mean, i made a good test, and went as bad like people who failed miserably... I'm not stupid, but I felt I was told so, like said to be bad on one of the worst universities of the world. and it's just a subjetc that fills a hole in the pensum, that I already completed. just need 1 subject to finish, and I´m forced to take it. i put a balance of considerations of still on the same situation for ONE subject or switch carreer. advertising is a world were I haven't made a single step yet, professionally. but i´ll finish anyway, because I told so. but I still repent i should have taken music instead... but I don't have the right to regret. If I went wrong, i found a right way in life, or I´ll will walking. not being struck in there.

if you want, ask me and I have the classes recorded, and judge by yourselves, the quality of education we took before the whole classrooom went F!!! I´ll still believe in self development instead, but the development, is the motto in any way.